Thursday, July 31, 2014

Join us to record one week in the life of the Oneida area

The Dispatch news staff works hard every day to cover the news in this area.
But many things that are important never make the news, simply because they are not unusual. Yet, they are important parts of the fabric of everyday life: birthday parties, food shopping, trips to the hair salon or dentist, fishing, car-washing, swimming, golfing and families playing catch, canasta or conga drums.
It can be argued that these everyday activities say more about us as a community than the traditional news stories do.
The goal of this year’s edition of Oneida Proud is to document these key parts of our lives in photos.
We modeled (OK, stole) the idea from Rick Smolen’s series of “Day in the Life” photo books.
Here’s how it’s going to work: Every member of The Dispatch news staff will be out taking pictures during the week of Aug. 17 through 23.
We’ll be focusing on everyday life within the confines of the Oneida City School District. But it won’t be just us. We’re inviting everyone to participate. We’ll run as many photos as we can in the newspaper, but we can handle all publishable photos online. Please include:
• The date the photo was taken (must be during the week of Aug. 17-23);
• Where it was taken (must be within the Oneida City School District);
• The names, correctly spelled, of the people in the photo (unless it’s a large group);
• Any other relevant information.
• A daytime phone number in case we have questions.

If you have questions call me or Online Editor Leah McDonald.
You can mail or drop the photos by The Dispatch office by Tuesday, Aug. 26, or email them to me. My email address is