Thursday, May 23, 2013

Here's where I'll be Memorial Day weekend

I always like Memorial Day weekend.
Not so much for the time off work, because I rarely get vey much, but because it's a holiday with a meaning.
I think it's important that we, as a country, remember those who sacrificed so much for us.
This weekend I have several plans.
Friday I'll attend the Oneida Memorial Day Parade, where I've been invited to be a judge again this year.
Monday I'll attend the opening of the new Town of Eaton Museum.
And Sunday I'll teach my son, George, to use our new mower.
Expect me to tweet under my handle, #OneidaEditor, from the first two.
I don't think that will happen from the last. If I'm lucky, and the weather's favorable, maybe we'll play a little golf.
And I'll be at work Monday.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Changes at Durhamville golf course great news

It's good news that the golf course in Durhamville (now called Old Erie) has new owners.
It's especially good news that those new owners, Dave Nieman and John Stewart, have groundskeeping expertise, and a real bonus that they're local guys.

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My son, George, and I  enjoy that course and it deserves to be kept better, especially the greens.
Like many, we started play there when it was called Brandy Brook. We played there often when George was on the OHS golf team, since it became the school's home course.
We played there a few times in the last couple of years, but to be honest, it wasn't in as good shape as it used to be.
So this comes as great news to me.
It's the closest course to my house and it's relatively easy (I'm not very good). I need the exercise.
George and I aren't members anywhere this year, so we plan to play all the local courses, Casolwood, Oneida Community, Pleasant Knolls, Rogues Roost, The Ridge, Valley View, Barker Brook and maybe Shenandoah.
As long as Old Erie's prices stay affordable, I plan to play there multiple times.
The owners have big plans for improvements and it all sounds great.
It will be exciting to watch the new course take shape.
Sports Editor Kyle Mennig interviewed one of the new owners read it here: