Sunday, May 29, 2011

Oneida parade was great

Once again the Oneida Memorial Association put on a great event.
Some of my thoughts on this year's celebration:
- Joel Meltzer was back hosting the parade; he's clearly the best.
- I didn't count the musicians, but the Oneida High School Marching Band looked larger and certianly sounded snappy. They seem to be upward bound.
- There seemed to even more people selling noisemakers, toy guns, nasty-looking cotton candy and Silly String. Perhaps they ads excitement to the parad4 for some, but not for me. What do Spongebob Squarepants blow-up dolls have to do with our most solemn national holiday?

If you haven't attended an event this weekend honoring the fallen, there's still one more chance. In Wampsville, WAVEM is holding a county-wide ceremony
at 2 p.m.  at the War Veterans Memorial Plaza by the courthouse.

Doug Ginney, president of WAVEM will be the master of ceremonies. The guest speaker will be Robert Conway, the Madison County American Legion Commander. Holly Page of Morrisville will sing the National Anthem.

Joe Barilla, Madison County American Legion chaplain will lead prayers and the Hamilton American Legion Post 375 will provide the firing squad for the service. Peter Finocchairo will play taps.

Wreaths will be placed at each stone. Color guards from any other veterans’ organizations and the public are welcome to attend and support this service in memory of the country’s fallen comrades.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Come to the parade

I've been invited to be a judge for the Oneida Memorial Day parade again this year. Please feel free to stop by the reviewing stand and tell me what you like and don't like about our ever-changing website and newspaper.
If you don't plan to attend the Oneida parade there are lots of other events around the area. We've compiled this list:
The following are a local Memorial Day parade and celebrations being held this weekend.


The Oneida Memorial Association will hold the Memorial Day services and parade on Friday, May 27 starting at 6:30 p.m. at Triangle Park, Main Street.

The parade will begin from the park immediately following the services at 7 p.m. The parade route runs through town ending at Veterans’ Memorial Playfield. The theme for this year’s parade is “Forever Honor.”

Additional parade participants are still welcome. They are asked to get their line up positions from the parade marshals stationed at the park by or before 6 p.m. that evening.

Large and small donations are still needed to cover the expenses especially for the bands. Donations should be sent to the Oneida Memorial Association, P.O. Box 93. Oneida, NY 13421.


The Munnsville American Legion will be holding their annual Memorial Day parade on Sunday, May 29. The parade lineup is at noon in the Briggs & Stratton (Ferris) parking lot. Parade begins at 1 p.m. Anyone interested in participating in the parade should call the Legion at (315) 495-6593 to register.


The Sherrill Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 30 beginning at 8:45 a.m. on the corner of Route 5 and Sherrill Road. It will travel down Sherrill Road to East Hinds Avenue to Park Street and culminate with a ceremony in Memorial Park.


The Durhamville ANM Veterans Club will hold a Memorial Day parade on Monday, May 30 at 9 a.m. at the World War I monument, across from the Durhamville Volunteer Fire Department.

The Memorial Day World War II service will be held at the club. The keynote speaker will be an Iraq war veteran, Patrick Hoose.


The Canastota American Legion parade will be held on Monday, May 30 beginning at 10 a.m. from the Canastota School, Peterboro Street. It will proceed to Clark Park, where ceremonies will be held.

Following the service there will be an open house with refreshments at the legion.

At noon in front of the Canastota Kwik Fill on Route 5 a new historical marker will be dedicated in honor of General Chauncey Barnes Reese. The marker will show the birthplace of the only Civil War general from the northern half of Madison County. There will be many speakers and Civil War re-enactors participating at this dedication.


The Verona Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6811 will host a Memorial Day observance on Monday, May 30 at 12:30 p.m. Parade will start at Joel’s Steak House, Route 31 and Main Street, Verona and proceed to the Memorial Park.

The guest speaker will be Mike Meyers of Verona. Meyers is married to the former Lisa Hale and they have two children. He is a graduate of Vernon-Verona-Sherrill High School. Meyers served with 8th Tank Battalion, 2nd Marine Division with service in Iraq during Desert Storm. He was discharged with the rank of Sergeant.

Meyers served as a Lieutenant in the Oneida fire Department for 21 years, retiring this month. Currently he is a member of the Verona Fire Department and owns and operates Oneida gutter Company.

Flags will be placed on all known graves of veterans in the town. After the ceremony the Veterans of Foreign Wars post will hold a chicken barbecue at the post home on Spring Road, Verona. Take outs will be available.


The Town of Vernon will hold a Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 30 at 1 p.m. at the Veterans’ Memorial in front of the Vernon Town Office Building, 4305 Peterboro Road.

All are welcome to attend and a social hour with refreshments will follow.


The Madison County War Veterans (WAVEM) ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. on Monday, May 30, at the War Veterans Memorial Plaza in Wampsville.

Doug Ginney, president of WAVEM will be the Master of Ceremony. The guest speaker will be Robert Conway, the Madison County American Legion Commander. Holly Page of Morrisville will sing the National Anthem.

Joe Barilla, Madison County American Legion chaplain will lead prayers and the Hamilton American Legion Post 375 will provide the firing squad for the service. Peter Finocchairo will play taps.

Wreaths will be placed at each stone. Color guards from any other veterans’ organizations and the public are welcome to attend and support this service in memory of the country’s fallen comrades.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

About Sudoku...

With our larger, improved weather map, we've run into a space allocation problem.
We're trying to figure out a good way to solve it. One proposal was to drop our Sudoku feature.
To test if this were good idea or not, we left the puzzle out of Tuesday's edition to see if anyone noticed.
They did.
The experiment is over; Sudoku will be back in Wednesday's edition (plus we'll put in the puzzle that was skipped).
I do apologize for and dismay our little experiment caused; I won't apologize for trying to be sure we're running daily features that people actually want.
Sometimes an experiment like this is the only way to find out what's wheat and what's chaff.
One plus has been the chance I had to talk to the readers who've called in. It's nice to be reminded that we have so many intelligent readers who do care what's in their newspaper.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm back

As some of you know, I've been out of the office for nearly three weeks.
It seems I had a touch of prostate cancer.
But no more; it's gone. Robotic surgery performed by a skilled surgeon saw to that.
Every test that they could think of found no other cancer in my body anywhere.
I'm sure you can understand I'm relieved.
During my absence, the staffed stepped up and carried on. I've been following their work from home; I think they did a great job. I thank them all.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rome Home Show a success

Our live blogging at the Rome Home Show went great.
We got to meet lots of good people and gathered some excellent story ideas.
Read all about it in the blog